Oncology Massage Therapy

by Donna Cremin Leddy LMT, PT, CLT

What is oncology massage therapy?

As a massage therapist trained in oncology massage, I have a clinical understanding of the pathophysiology of cancer, the side effects of cancer treatments (surgery, radiation, chemo, and medications), and precautions related to these. I work with clients who are actively in treatment, after treatment, choosing alternative therapies, in recovery or end of life. As an intuitive therapist I also address the emotional, psychosocial and spiritual effects of cancer diagnosis. Compassionate touch and therapeutic massage can improve mood, decrease stress, elicit a parasympathetic relaxation response, improve body image and a feeling of wholeness, decrease nausea, decrease pain, and improve sleep.

I will coordinate care with your medical team as needed in order to insure the best plan for your individual needs.

What oncology massage DOES NOT do: We do not massage tumors therefore massage will not cause the cancer to spread. This is not a curative treatment for cancer, massage treats side effects and improves quality of life.

Massage therapy is not contraindicated in cancer patients. Massaging a tumor is, but there is a great deal more to a person than the tumor.

– Dr. Bernie Siegel, MD

You are not your illness. You have an individual story to tell. You have a name, a history, a personality. Staying yourself is part of the battle”.

– Dr. Julian Sifter